Visit us at Plot 14, Buvuma Crescent, Bukaya, Njeru Municipality, Buikwe District.

Core values

Director's Message

Greetings to you our esteemed visitor of our website, partners, donors and well-wishers. We are glad to interact with you through this virtual platform, we hope to collaborate or work together in one way or the other. Skilpack is one of the passionate companies in Uganda that has taken step to invest in Banana fiber products and other biomass materials.

Our products are well researched with recent technologies in textile science and engineering. We hope to expand our operations to cover many areas of production of eco-friendly products as we are aiming at reducing environmental degradation.

We therefore welcome any investors, partners and donors who love the drive for environmental protection, fashion, art and design, green textiles, biomass recycling and vocational skills training to be a part of us. We are empowering communities through well researched science-led innovations.

Contact Skilpack

Director picture

Background picture


  • Science: Every material and product is processed with scientific methods and assessment of its benefits to the community.
  • Technology: The processes follow the trending applications of scientific knowledge and methods.
  • Research: Various studies are made to ascertain the values of the product in respect to environmental protection.
  • Innovation: Skilpack aims at novel ideas that add value to the existing products. We also create new textiles and other products.
  • Integrity: Skilpack focuses on transparent operations with its partners, donors and well-wishers.
  • Quality: The products developed must meet the required standards for human and environmental safety.
  • Community: Benefiting the community through skills and job creation is our major focus.


Skilpack Ltd is a registered private company by guarantee with a goal to create jobs and opportunities for the youths, women and the vulnerable through research, biomass product innovations and developing eco-friendly materials from banana stems and other natural fibers.

The founder is a Ugandan researcher with a Master's degree in textile science and engineering from Tiangong University, Tianjin, China. He has published scientific research about banana fiber in various SCI journals. Skilpack develops products based on scientific research and technologies.

The founder has established several networks with other research institutions, textile industries and universities in Uganda and abroad. This has helped to develop eco-friendly products from Uganda's natural fibers to make eco-friendly textile products and other value added products.

We believe that providing 21st century skills in production of eco-textile products and environmental protection would add value to social-economic development of Uganda and Africa.

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Promote self-reliance and contribute to the development of Uganda through innovations and community sustainability programs.


Skilpack will be Uganda's best hub for innovation, skills and sustainable development through scientifically researched eco-friendly products.