Visit us at Plot 14, Buvuma Crescent, Bukaya, Njeru Municipality, Buikwe District.


Director's Message

Greetings to you our esteemed visitor of our website, partners, donors and well-wishers. We are glad to interact with you through this virtual platform, we hope to collaborate or work together in one way or the other. Skilpack is one of the passionate companies in Uganda that has taken step to invest in Banana fiber products and other biomass materials.

Our products are well researched with recent technologies in textile science and engineering. We hope to expand our operations to cover many areas of production of eco-friendly products as we are aiming at reducing environmental degradation.

We therefore welcome any investors, partners and donors who love the drive for environmental protection, fashion, art and design, green textiles, biomass recycling and vocational skills training to be a part of us. We are empowering communities through well researched science-led innovations.

Contact Skilpack

Director picture


Skilpack will provide relevant skills through research and utilization of recyclable and biodegradable materials. The skills will be realised through green textiles, art and design, teacher training, consultancy and technology development to transform the lives of Ugandans through providing opportunities for youth empowerment, innovation, research, project piloting, and business development.

Motto: "Eco-friendly & Empowering"


  • We process natural fibers, for example banana fiber, into eco-friendly products like banana fiber hair extensions, rugs, carpets, banana fiber yarn and other fibers like pineapple leaves etc.
  • Promoting creative skills in other disciplines related to banana fiber crafts, art, design, and fashion industry.
  • Training the youths and women to acquire leadership and entrepreneurship skills.


Our staff are well trained to handle all roles given to them with utmost responsibility. We hope to employ a good number of Ugandans directly and indirectly in the natural fiber value addition chain, for example banana growing, fiber extraction, processing and product marketing.